This information is for members that will be providing the Invocation to Summit Rotary Club, leading our members in the Pledge of Allegiance, and in the Four-Way Test.
After giving the Invocation, please continue on leading the group in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Finally, when leading The Four-Way Test, consider asking the group to reflect upon these four statements and their significance to our club’s core values since its inception. In essence, the Four Way Test is the creed that binds not only the members of Summit Rotary to one another but Summit Rotary to our International Body. Please read (in "quotes"):
"The Four-Way Test of the things we think, say or do"
"first..." (everyone: Is it the TRUTH?)
"second..." (everyone: Is it FAIR to all concerned?)
"third..." (everyone: Will it build GOOD WILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS?)
"fourth..." (everyone: Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?)
Below you will find the following from our Club's Policies:
Invocation guidelines are as follows:
• Public invocations should never be abused to make political statements and assert the primacy of one faith over others who may not share religious sentiments.
• When preparing to lead our club in invocation, we must ask ourselves the question: How can we honor diversity at moments of public reverence?
• Invocations should be inclusive and carefully planned to voice the aspirations of all present and avoid misunderstandings.
• Use terms which include all present - with openings such as "Almighty God" or "Our Maker" and closings such as "Hear our Prayer" or "Amen".
• Consider alternatives to fit a particular circumstance, including a moment of silence or inspirational reading.
• Use common prayers to acknowledge divine presence, reflect gratitude and seek blessings, not to preach or testify.
As a quick resource if you wish: Non-Denominational Invocations for Rotary Club Meetings.
This document offers 28 examples of invocations that may be used "as is" or modified to one's liking".